- Remote Camera Heads
- SKU: 71000-1
Mo-Sys L40
The L40 is a precise, robust and lightweight 2-axis head for high-end cinematography. It strong motors allow the L40 to carry almost any camera package!
Product Features
The L40 is a remote head that sits between a standard 2-axis medium payload remote head, and a 3-axis gyro-stabilized head, based on its strength and rigidity achieved through its frame design and toughened bearings. It provides greater payload capacity, simpler operation, and several unique capabilities. But the L40 was primarily designed to address common challenges that most remote head operators experience.
3 Axis Remote Head – Pan & Tilt axis as standard, Roll axis as an optional module that can be added on set.
Single Sided ‘L shape’ Design – easier access, and easier loading and unloading of camera rigs.
High Payload – 40kg / 88lbs payload and 18kg / 40lbs weight.
Incredibly Powerful Motors – 100Nm rated, equivalent to holding 20lbs at the end of a 1m pole, and therefore can hold a camera even out of balance.
Zero Backlash – uses cycloidal gears, not affected by changes in temperature, no adjustment required under different loads, and most importantly no juddering under heavy loads.
High Speed Precision Movement – pan 180 degrees/second, zero delay, even with the largest payloads.
Backpan Option – automatically keeps camera face parallel to a scene when jib or crane moves through an arc.
Cable Hole Through Drive Motor – no slip rings required, minimizes cable tangles, no specialist cables required.
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